Do you want Access to Every Tool that's helped me scale my biz to 6 figures & beyond?! Keep reading... ⬇️

Guess What?!

Consistent Money Making Months are a REAL possibility even if you run a Soul-Led Biz, AND I believe you deserve them!

Here's what you get inside

The Sold Out Soulpreneur Biz Bundle ⬇️⬇️⬇️

(aka- the answers you've been looking for...)



The Soulpreneur Biz Portal

The Place to Explore The Soul & Strategy of Your Purpose Work, at your own Pace and when it Works for YOU, Really!

Topics Covered:

-Soul Purpose Clarity

-Soul Mapping

-Strategy & Structure

-Offer Suite Creation

-How to Get New Clients

-Customer Journeys

-Sales Pages

-Webinar Design


-Wild & Free Business Practices

-Client Resource Management

-Systems & Processes

& More...

What's Included:

-85+ Recorded Soul Purpose and Small Biz Classes and courses!

-Literally hundreds of hours of Support & Guidance...

Valued at $4,997

Sells for $564!


This is THE Course for Overcoming your Business Blocks & Designing a Unique Strategy Map to Help YOU Move Forward in Your Soul Biz!

Topics Covered:

Purpose & Problem

Offer Creation & Biz Clarity

Design & Delivery

Showcasing & Sharing

Sales Strategy & Goal Setting

What's Included:

-5 Workshops

-2 Trainings

-5 Q&A's

-3 Bonus Trainings

Valued at $2,189

Sells for $222!


A Workshop Created to Help You

Complete A Sales Page in a Day,

So You can Start using it

in your Business ASAP!

Topics Covered:

-How to Use this Step by Step Template for All Future Sales Pages & Offers you want to Share

-The importance of Design, Copywriting, Offer Stacks, Problem & Solution, Formatting, etc.

-Why Sales Pages Matter: why you need one and how much they can help you!

What's Included:

-8 Part Video Training

-Sales Page Template

-Exclusive PDF Workbook

-A-Z Sales Guide Checklist

Valued at $1,387

Sells for $197!

Called: Understanding the Divine Design of your Soul Purpose

Jayme's Signature Method for helping YOU Align with what your Soul Came here to Create!

Topics Covered:

-What are you being Called to

-Why are YOU being Called

-Understanding the power of Deciding

-Exploring who's on your Soul Purpose Team

-How to Use the Manifestation Current with Soul Purpose

-Gaining Clarity on your current Frequency & Energy Signature

-How to take Action with your Soul Purpose

What's Included:

-7 Part Video Training

-Soul Purpose Tools

-Powerful exploratory exercises

Valued at $1,111

Sells for $97!

So You Want to Sell!

How to Conquer Steps A-Z of
Packaging, Positioning & Presenting
your Amazing Offer,
Even if you Hate the Idea of Selling!

Topics Covered:

-Learn why Clean & Clear Offer Creation is SO Important

-Explore how to have Fun with Great Names & Subtitles

-Understand the difference between Features & Benefits

-Get Clear about Presentation & Design Importance

-Learn about the Power of Sales Goals, Follow Through & Accountability

-Find your Dream Client & Learn about Researching your Market

-Learn the Skills of Copywriting & How to Use it!

What's Included:

-Access to 3 Webinars

-The Sales Guide Checklist

-All Supporting PDFs for Each Call

Valued at $999

Sells for $222

The Stay at Home Soulpreneur

Learn Our 5 Step System to Launching Your Own Business or Passion Project, for those who want Schedule Sovereignty, even if you only have a few hours a week!

Topics Covered:

-Find a Way to do Business that works for YOU and your Family!

-Generate your own Income and/or multiple Revenue Streams!

-Create a Schedule that works for You and your littles!

-Build a Sustainable Systems that doesn't take up all your Time or Energy!

What's Included:

-7 Part Video Training

-Bonus Business Videos

-All Supporting PDFs for Each Call

Valued at $2,041

Sells for $444

The Soulpreneur Holiday Sales Guide

A Workshop for the Soulpreneur who wants to share their Gifts this Holiday Season, without feeling sleezy or salesy!

Topics Covered:

Audience - who and where are they during the Holidays

New Offer- clear, direct and clean information

A smooth sale- easy on the customers end

Connection- how you will communicate to them then whole way through

By the end you will be able to:

-Get clear on strategy and ideas for both

-Plan out your weeks leading up to these two sales periods

-Use the entire month of November & December to act and NOT feel bad about it

-Re use next year: adjust, align & strengthen year after year

What's Included:

-Single Video Training

-Separate Q&A recording

Valued at $197

Sells for $47

Launch Your Light!

A Business Manual that helps you Explore the Soul & Strategy of Your Purpose Work, at your own Pace and when it Works for YOU!

This 150+ Page Colorful Guidebook Will Help You:

-Align with your Soul Purpose and Earth Mission

-Step into Your Expertise

-Connect with the Spirit of Your Biz

-Teach you Organic Ways of doing Biz

-Craft & Create your perfect Offers

-Authentic Advertising & Open Heart Marketing

-Learn Customer Journeys & Copywriting

Help you Design & Build a Sales Page

& More...

What's Included:

A Digital Copy of the Launch Your Light Ebook!

The Soulful Selling Series

Our Latest Sales training that covers Energy, Systems, Frequency, Strategy & More

Topics Covered:

-Organizing your Web of Offers for the New Year

-Increase your Frequency, Increase your Sales

-$10K in 10 days, $100K in 10 weeks

What's Included:

-Single Video Training

Valued at $497

Sells for $111

Launch Your Guidebook!

New Workshop Coming 2025!

Topics Covered:

It's Time to get that Guidebook Off your To-Do List and into the World!

What's Included:

Join Jayme as she shares her Methods for Creating & Completing A PDF Guidebook in less than 4 Months!

Valued at $997

Will Sells for $444

Total Value of Biz Bundle:

  • The Soulpreneur Biz Portal - $564

  • The Soul Biz Lab - $222

  • Sales Page In a Day - $197

  • Called: Divine Design - $97

  • So You Want to Sell - $222

  • Stay at Home Soulpreneur - $444

  • Holiday Sales Guide - $47

  • Launch Your Light -$57

  • Soulful Selling Series - $111

  • Launch Your Guidebook - $444

Purchase Individually for $2,405 or buy together in...

I'm a Soul Purpose Guide and Business Coach here to help Conscious Entrepreneurs, Mamas, and Mystics make the Planet brighter for the Next Generations to come!

After Two Decades in a Sales Career and helping Big Corporations make Millions of dollars, I realized it was time to help everyday women get their gifts out to the World and explore the possibilities of Time and Financial Freedom!

I left the Corporate world to make my own money in 2012 as a Yoga teacher and Bodyworker in NYC. Then, in 2015, I opened a Gym in Rhode Island with my Husband.

By the Fall of 2016, I shifted into Women's work, hosting lunar circles, goddess workshops, divine feminine coaching, membership portals, talk shows, and writing Lunar Astrology every day for social media!

Since 2017, after transitioning to business coaching, I've helped over 100 private clients with their Soul Purpose and clocked in over 500 private sessions.

Between that and the thousands of souls I've reached over the years in my courses, classes, and events, I’ve made multiple six figures myself, not including our family business in town that makes multiple six figures a year and will be celebrating its 10th year in May of 2025! 

During this time, I also had two miracle babies and wrote two books during the baby years! One was a business manual on Soul Purpose called Launch Your Light, and I also just launched a podcast!

I'm the Creatrix of The Soul Purpose Collective, the Biz Portal, Launch Your Light, The Wild Moon Society, Earth Guardian Mastery, The New Earth Illuminators, Tracking North Co. & Tours, The Soulpreneur Coach & Biz Portal, What is Movement Gym, & More!

I've spent the last decade helping others Align with their Soul's Purpose and Life Calling, and I'm here to help you illuminate the way forward with yours!


Jayme Rose - All Rights Reserved