Tracking North Co Presents...


From Soul to Strategy in Every Step in Your Biz!



  • Energy & Systems

  • Soul & Strategy

  • Masculine & Feminine

  • Grace & Grit

The Sold Out Soulpreneur Biz Bundle is HERE!

Do you want Access to Every Tool that's helped me Scale my Biz to 6 Figures & Beyond?!


The Stay at Home Soulpreneur

Learn Our 5 Step System to Launching your own Business or Passion Project,

for those who want Schedule Sovereignty,

even if you only have a few hours a week!

  • Find a Way to do Business that works for YOU and your Family! 

  • Generate your own Income and/or multiple Revenue Streams! 

  • Create a Schedule that works for You and your littles! 

  • Build a Sustainable Systems that doesn't take up all your Time or Energy!


Done for YOU

Brand Board Designs!

Bring your Brand to Life with a Fresh New Design that Helps you to Stay Aligned with your Brand & Vision!

  • A Brand board helps you to stay on track, build rapport and trust - visually with your audience!

  • Keeps your Design, Vibe and Brand cohesive and consistently flowing for the eye of your audience!

  • Helps to Attract your Ideal Customer through Vision and Vibe!

"Jayme is Helping Soulful Entrepreneurs go from Overwhelmed and Distracted to Clear and Confident in their Business!"

Guess what?


A Business Manual that helps you Explore the Soul & Strategy of Your Purpose Work, at your own Pace and when it Works for YOU!

Download your Free Copy of Launch your Light Ebook Here!

Yes, you help with business, but it really feels like you’re a success coach!

You help people become successful at whatever it is they do, at being themselves, and whatever success means for THEM, and that’s really exciting!

I feel like you can see us all, in a unique way that I haven’t really seen a coach do before…”

Supporting Soulpreneurs

since 2016 with:

  • Bringing Your Visions to Life

  • Organic Offer Creation

  • Open Heart Marketing

  • Aligning w/ the Spirit of your Biz

  • Attracting Dream Clients

  • Copywriting & Advertising

"The only place I've found where we can go from Past Life Persecution to Sales Page Strategy within Minutes!

I'm so glad I found Jayme and her work..."

Have your heard about?!

Listen to our

Podcast Here!

"Thank you Jayme for channeling the spirit of my business on that call three months ago, it changed everything!

I feel like I'm back to living in alignment and listening to the spirit of my business!

I can afford to buy the organic food that I want for our family, and I can be of service in my calling daily.

I'm Looking forward to having that team support for my business, and the retreats we saw in that vision!

Beyond grateful."

Hi, I'm Jayme!

I'm a Soul Purpose Guide & Biz Coach here to help Conscious Entrepreneurs, Mamas & Mystics help make the Planet a Brighter Place for the Next Generations to Come!

After a Two Decades in a Sales Career and helping Big Corporations make Millions of dollars, I realized it was time to help everyday women get their gifts out to the World and explore the possibilities of Time & Financial Freedom!

Since 2018, after transitioning to business coach- I've helped over 111 private clients with Soul Purpose, and clocked in 535+ private sessions.

I've reached thousands in my events, courses and the stages I've been invited to. I've written a business manual on Soul Purpose, called Launch Your Light and just launched a podcast!

I'm the Creatrix of Tracking North Co. & Tours, The Wild Moon Society, Earth Guardian Mastery, The New Earth Illuminators, The Soulpreneur Coach & Biz Portal, What is Movement Gym, & More!

I've spent the last decade helping others Align with their Soul's Purpose & Life Calling and I'm here to help YOU illuminate the way forward with yours!

Are you being Called to Something Greater?

Jayme's Signature Method for helping YOU Align with what your Soul Came here to Create!

A FREE 7 Day Mini Training Delivered to you in email each day!

Explore our

Biz Courses!

Our Courses are Fast Paced, Inspiring and Packed with POWER!

Each Course helps to Solve a different Soulpreneur Problems and provides Real life Solutions to everyday issues!

If you want a taste of Jayme's Skills as a Coach, Speaker, Leader & Soulpreneur - sign up for one of these experiences.

Our most Popular Program-

A 5 Part Course to Help You Jumpstart, Design & Launch Your Soul Biz into the World,

Even if you're Just Starting off!

For those ready to fill in their gaps and crush blocks in Biz, this was designed for you!

How to Conquer Steps A-Z of Packaging, Positioning & Presenting your Offer, even if you're not sure where to Start!

This is THE COURSE for Entrepreneurs who excel in their fields but lack in Sales!

This is designed for the Mama who WANTS to work from home AND be in charge of her Time, Schedule and Money!

Learn Our 5 Step System to Launching your own Business or Passion Project, for those who want Schedule Sovereignty, even if you only have a few hours a week!

Become A Member in the Soul Purpose Collective Today!

It's Perfect for the Go at your Own Pace Person, who's ready to Learn Biz Strategy and apply it to your Soul's Purpose & Passion!

Without spending too much Time or Money...

Watch Business Classes NOW:

  • Copywriting & Storytelling

  • Offer Creation & Biz Clarity

  • Organic Marketing & Advertising

  • How to Get & Enroll New Clients

  • Customer Journeys & Sales Pages

  • Webinar & Masterclass Design

  • Wild & Free Biz Practices

What our Community is saying...

"If you are looking for someone who truly gets you,

cheers you on and shares so openly their more than a decade of certified business sales and marketing knowledge, merged with the spiritual side as a druid priestess and more, then I wholeheartedly recommend you check out my dear friend and one of my favourite mentors Jayme Rose Gray. She’s extremely fast paced and goes very deep so if you are ready to buckle up and hit launch for your soul based business, check her out!

She stands 1000% behind her clients and invests in them too! She gets everyone’s current situation (totally met me there as a single mum!) and celebrates you at every milestone and respects your cyclical nature!

So if you are really ready to do the work and go full steam ahead then this is a great opportunity to get behind your Soul Work!"

Kelly L.


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